50 Most Badass Women In Comics

The essential who's who of the most fearsome femmes fatales in comics.

Mystique xmen
Marvel Comics

Ask someone to name their favourite comic book character and there’s a great chance the answer will be a man, but there are entire universes of femme fatales out there who don’t get the credit they deserve.

Down the decades, we’ve seen women of every race, species, alien species and colour grace the pages of various comic publications, some of whom match and even trump their male counterparts in the badass department.

“Badass” is defined as a person possessing “tough, uncompromising or intimidating” qualities. With that in mind, it’s important to note that being powerful doesn’t automatically make one a badass, and there are certain actions that may earn one badass status even if they are just an Average Jane.

Here's the 50 most badass women in comics...

50. Sharon Carter

Mystique xmen

The Super Soldier serum makes Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, a handful to keep up with, so long-term love interest Sharon Carter deserves some kudos just for keeping with ol’ Winghead all these years.

The great-niece of Peggy Carter, one of the original Marvel badasses, Sharon is a secret agent trained in espionage, martial arts and how to drive a flying car like the best of them.

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Tom Sunderland hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.