6 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (2 October)

5. Quantum And Woody #4 By James Asmus And Tom Fowler (Valiant)

Qw 004 Cover Sook The first arc of the newly relaunched Quantum and Woody comes to a successful and satisfying end with our inept superheroes fumbling their way out of the sticky situation they're in. Bad guy corporation ERA (Edison's Radical Acquisitions) was set up by Thomas Edison to control mankind's technological process while making a mint off of them. Led by plastic surgery addict, the Crone, they now have Woody captive and it's up to Eric (Quantum) to save him. James Asmus' script has been stellar these past four issues, full of great comedic moments and heart when its been needed. Q&W #4 is no different with some big laughs inside like a new character called - the Goat. Who is the Goat? It's a goat. Literally. But, man, is it crazy tough - and it's free! We also get the full story behind the ERA, the world's butchest woman, and the great relationship between Eric and Woody, the best moment being Woody's priority upon being freed by Eric. Tom Fowler's art is terrific and I loved his character design for the ERA character with 1980s tech whose projector overheats and can't upgrade without killing himself. Plus the action is handled nicely with Fowler knowing how to frame the Goat's antics for best comedic effect. Brilliant stuff. This is a really funny, really imaginative, fast-paced and hugely entertaining comic series, one of Valiant's best and, considering most of what Valiant put out is so damn good anyway, that's quite something. It's also a good time to jump on with this title as the first story arc is over and a new one starts in issue #5. Quantum and Woody, guys - get with this great series!
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