6 Best Ways To Bring Wolverine Back From The Dead

2. Magneto To The Rescue

Folks...adamantium is some strong stuff. It takes a special process to make it, and once mixed, it must be cast within eight minutes. After that, it cannot be bent, scratched, molten or changed in any way. Wolverine's claws and skeleton were, of course, coated in the stuff during the Weapon X process. Not to belabor the point, but it's important to note just how strong adamantium is, because it illustrates just how powerful Magneto's powers are. In the "Fatal Attractions" story arc, the master of magnetism ripped the alloy right out of Wolverine's body. This was no carefully planned, surgical removal, mind you. In a fit of rage, he simply used his power and pulled the solid adamantium right through Logan's flesh. If Wolverine is still alive within that metal shell, Magneto should be able to retrieve him from it. Surely there could be a reason that Magneto would benefit from Wolverine's return. If properly motivated, he could remove the metal tomb. Granted, it wouldn't be a pretty process. Plenty of charred and re-healed skin and flesh would likely be torn off in the process. The combination of being coated in the burning alloy, being stuck in it for a stretch of time, then having it forcibly torn from him, would be a new level of trauma for Wolvie. He could be unstable, have amnesia, or revert back to a savage form (which has also happened in the past). If this occurs during one of Magneto's more villainous turns, his behavior toward Wolverine during this process could make for some truly dark story telling.
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George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.