6 Ridiculous Overpowered Superhero Mash-Ups That Actually Happened

2. Iron Lantern

Lobo The Duck
Amalgam Comics

Sure, power rings have bestowed themselves upon various individuals across many universes. However, who would have ever thought that a genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist could possibly hone the power of will?

That's exactly what the aforementioned Amalgam Comics gave us with Iron Lantern. As the story goes; the ever-so creatively named "Hal Stark" lost control of an iron-man suit and crashed within yards of an alien spacecraft.

While severely injured, Stark's never ending thirst for knowledge lead him to the crashed ship where he met a dying Rhomaan Sur. Confiscating the power battery found in the wreckage, Hal used this newfound alien tech to upgrade his flight simulator and create constructs of whatever his brilliant mind could think of.

Its pretty obvious that the writers of this character haphazardly slapped the two heroes together in both story and costume design. In addition to fusing their origin stories, they simply just painted parts of the armor green and threw the Lantern symbol on top of the arc reactor.

His rogues gallery consisted of lazy villain mash-ups such as Madame Sapphire and Mandarinestro (yes, that's the best they could do). However, having the smarts to make whatever you want by either human technology or green light constructs prepares you for anyone and equips you with everything.

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Graduate Exercise Science student, conservative nerd , and proud fan-boy of Nightwing and AJ Styles. Owen Hart to WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019, you heard it here first.