6 Ridiculous Overpowered Superhero Mash-Ups That Actually Happened

3. Circle Of Four Ghost Rider

Lobo The Duck

What do they all have in common? Almost nothing. That didn't stop whoever wrote the Circle of Four story arc from throwing them together. Red Hulk would probably start an all-out brawl if the three were in the same room at the same time. However, these anti-heroes combined for just one moment to create on gigantic and unstoppable behemoth in hopes of saving the world.

During a fight with Blackheart, Flash Thompson (Venom) formed an alliance with X-23, Red Hulk, and Ghost Rider. Flash gave his symbiote to an already spirit-bound Red Hulk to create one of the most powerful beings one could imagine.

This titan had Red Hulk's near limitless strength and heat production as well as Venom's symbiotic tendrils. Don't get me started on Ghost Rider's laundry list of abilities, because this guy had those as well.

Of course, Red Hulk returned the symbiote back to Flash upon Blackheart's defeat; making this character's existence a one- off appearance. However, the fact that such a being with the powers and looks of those three exists is nothing short of overkill, hilarity, and above all terror.

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