6 Underrated Comics Running Now

4. Green Arrow - Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino

Jeff Lemire's Green Arrow From #17, Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino took over as the new creative team on DC Comics' Green Arrow, and since then it has probably been DC's strongest series. #17 throws us into a mystery that takes Oliver Queen into a bold new direction as the character uncovers hidden secrets about his own and his family's past. It's Lemire's writing that makes Green Arrow the roller-coaster ride of a comic book that it is with intense drama and action throughout. Sorrentino's artwork is also stunning, providing a perfect blend of grit and class. Together, Lemire and Sorrentino have transformed Green Arrow into one of the finest comic books out there. Whether or not you're a fan of Green Arrow generally, this series is certainly worth your attention. #21 of Green Arrow is on sale June 5th, get caught up by picking up #17-20 now!
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George Bartlett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.