7 Best Comics Series For Newcomers

1. Saga

Image ComicsImage ComicsSaga has something about it that you can€™t quite put your finger on, some unnameable quality that makes every issue consume you so wholeheartedly that you€™re left desperate for more. Its blend of fantastically weird character designs, breathtaking worlds, and masterfully written panels never fail to delight and entertain. Saga initially looks like a colourful and cheery adventure, but don€™t let the beautiful primary colours fool you €“ this is most definitely not a series for kids. Featuring as much gratuitous sex and violence as your average Game Of Thrones episode, each issue shocks and captivates in equal measure. Narrated by a character that hints bleakly about what€™s to come, the story telling by young couple Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples is utterly gripping €“ and every perfectly written cliff hanger makes the wait for each issue more unbearable than the last. Featuring some of the most human and relatable non human characters in a comic, this fantasy meets space opera has a wide range of perfectly written characters that you can€™t help but root for. Whether it€™s the badass mercenary The Will, the television faced Prince Robot IV or the series main two protagonists Alana and Marko, each character€™s journey is equally fleshed out and endearing. Saga embodies everything that there is to love about the medium, its surreal, exciting, fantastical, mature and action packed. This is a series that truly has something for everyone, and may just singlehandedly restore your faith in comic books. You need this series in your life.
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Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.