7 Completely Insane Team-Ups In Recent DC Comics

3. The Outlaws

Jarro Robin
DC Comics

The Outlaws started out as a pretty conventional team with Arsenal and Starfire backing Red Hood up, and the comics maintained a similar tone in Rebirth, swapping out Starfire and Arsenal for Bizarro and Artemis...but then the creative team completely lost their minds pretty abruptly in the past couple months.

It's hard to even know where to begin to unpack the craziness of the recent Red Hood: Outlaw comics...from the fact that Jason is now training a team of super villains for Lex Luthor, to the individual members of that team, to the introduction of "Monster Arm...and friends," or the now-sentient stuffed Superman plush toy.

It's doubtful that anyone was actually surprised when Pup Pup - Bizarro's Superman plushie - came to life and began talking, considering the fact that Bizarro had been imagining him doing exactly that for quite a while... but that doesn't mean it's not still ludicrous to see that little stuffed Man of (cotton) Steel start moving around and speaking on his own.


Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.