7 Completely Insane Team-Ups In Recent DC Comics

2. The Justice League And The World Forger

Jarro Robin
DC Comics

DC comics have presented several different incompatible mythoi regarding the creation of the multiverse over the past several decades. The current Justice League series is firmly based on the creation myth set up in Dark Nights: Metal, in which the World Forger was established as the entity who... forges worlds, using the World Forge.

No one saw that twist coming.

What actually is an unexpected twist, however, is the fact that this cosmic entity who shaped the cosmos has now joined the Justice League! The World Forger - Alpheus - joining the Justice League is kind of akin to the idea of Superman teaming up with a colony of ants.

The disparity in power level, knowledge, and gravitas between the Justice League and a cosmic titan like the World Forger makes this partnership strange enough without even taking into account the fact that only a few issues back, Alpheus was trying to kill Superman!

If that's not weird enough, the World Forger even got his brother, The Monitor, to join the team too!


Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.