7 New Comics You Should Read In February

6. Undertow

Undertow Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: 19th February 2014 This book features another creative team I can't vouch for just yet, however it has a concept that I'm not sure I can pass up. The book sees writer Steve Orlando's new interpretation of the Atlantis myth, placing us in a world where the underwater city is a global super-power. But, as is the case with so many dystopian futures, not everything is just dandy and many long to escape the system that Atlantis enforces. That's where our lead comes in: Redum Anshargal. He is the only one who can break people out of Atlantis in his water-tight barge, and with the help of his hostage-protege Ukinnu Alal aims to find The Amphibian - a beast that may hold the secret to life on land. As you might expect, things don't go well. The book has a very interesting premise, offering a truly original take on a fairly played out premise. While Orlando is unknown to me, artist Artyom Trakhanov has serious talent and so I feel this is one new creative team that we should try out. If you want on to this underwater adventure like I do, be sure to pick Undertow up when it comes out on the 19th February.
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David Craig is a writer who lives in the UK and spends most of his free time trying to figure out how many comics he can afford that week. It's a hard life, but you can make it easier by following him on Twitter @_david_craig to hear those thoughts of his that managed to escape his prison of a brain.