7 Reasons Aquaman Deserves His Second Ongoing Series

2. His Position As A DC Centrepiece


Justice League's third volume, Throne of Atlantis, made Aquaman the centre of the DC Universe in a big way. The return of Aquaman's brother, Ocean Master, coincided with someone within the US starting a war with Atlantis. The pitched battle of DC heroes (and not just the League) fighting the armies of Atlanteans coincided nicely with Aquaman's moral dilemma, ripped straight from any Superman comic; does he side with his adopted people, or his home? This big event covering DC's flagship books made all eyes look to Aquaman and the mythology DC is creating around him. There's no doubt about it, Aquaman has been repositioned into on of the most significant heroes in the DC Universe. Not bad for someone that used to harness flying fish to get around.
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Writer and contributor living in the UK. When Matt is periodically released from his padded cell in Arkham, he spends his time writing for both Whatculture and his personal blog, www.filmclubber.co.uk