7 Reasons Why Batman: Hush Is Completely Overrated

3. Villains Are The Story/Money "Fixes" Everything

Batman Hush3 There is no story to Hush; it's a book where Batman faces all his famous rogues and Superman for 95% of the time until the final few pages where we're breathlessly told an explanation that weakly links all the disparate elements into a deeply unsatisfying whole. Killer Croc shows up and fights Batman. Poison Ivy shows up and fights Batman. Superman shows up and fights Batman. Repeat, repeat, repeat, with characters from Ra's Al-Ghul, to Joker and Harley Quinn, to Scarecrow, Clayface and so on. There's no story, just scene after scene with famous characters that Batman battles, then moves on to the next, and it's completely boring to read. There are no stakes, no story, just dumb battles €“ it's also something Loeb's done before in Dark Victory and The Long Halloween, showing how limited his Batman stories are. And yet, besides Ra's, all of the villains are "in" on it. So how did Tommy, a guy nobody knew before this book, find a way of uniting the most discordant group of individuals ever to play parts in his ridiculously complicated scheme? The banal answer, because Loeb doesn't have any other ideas, is: money. "Money" is the flimsiest, most uninspired and laziest reasoning to tie all of the unconnected episodes together.
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