7 Superpowers You've Had All Along

4. Immunity To Pain

loki back pain
Marvel Studios

Whilst most of us tend to think of pain as a bad thing, it has a pretty vital function as one of the most advanced damage report systems in the world. If you didn't feel pain, you'd go around bashing into things, casually leaning on stovetops and running around on injuries. It wouldn't take long to reduce yourself to a bloody, charred lump of flesh. Long story short, we need pain.

There are times, however, when you could really do without it, albeit temporarily. Whether you're getting yourself to safety after an injury or knocking seven bells out of some bad guys, there are times when you just have to suck it up. Luckily, your body has adapted for just such an eventuality, and it's all thanks to a little thing called endorphins.

These are hormones that zip around your body during exercise, sex and in emergency situations. They're essentially the body's own version of morphine and can completely suppress the sensations of pain. Luckily, your body only deploys them when you need them, so you can go about your day to day business without causing yourself irreparable damage.

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