7 Superpowers You've Had All Along

3. Super Healing

super mario infinite lives

Okay, everybody heals, but now you too can have the magical healing powers of Wolverine. Quickly repair any damage in your body through the power of stem cells, all you have to do is (a) be a woman and (b) get knocked up.

Sorry guys, this one is limited edition.

Anyway, it turns out that, during pregnancy, the developing foetus could help the mother heal damage and disease by sending stem cells into her system. It was found that mouse foetuses will give up stem cells to repair their mother’s heart, which could explain why half the women who develop heart weakness during or just after pregnancy recover spontaneously if it also occurs in humans. They have also been known to produce cells that protect the mother from cancer.

It makes sense really, as the foetus is protecting its own survival whilst it is dependant on the mother. A bit like Voldemort and Wormtail, and only slightly less creepy.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.