8 Biggest WTF Comic Book Moments Of 2020

6. Diamond's 'Master Plan' To Bounce Back From The Pandemic

Punchline Joker
Marvel Comics

The comics industry experienced a huge shakeup in 2020. With much of the world going into lockdown at the beginning of the year, the comics industry was put in a precarious position, as many were forced to pause to see how quickly distributors would adapt.

I say "distributors" when really I mean distributor, as Steve Geppi's Diamond network had until recently the monopoly on comics distribution. When they shut down, the entire industry shut down, but it only took them a few months to get moving again, by which point one of their biggest clients had jumped ship (getting to that soon), and the world was adjusting to the "new normal".

Diamond has been rightly criticised in the past for not really changing with the times even before the pandemic, and so it always stood to reason that they wouldn't formulate a deep strategy to account for lost business or to ensure comics retailers weathered the storm.

Their big strategy this time around though? It essentially boiled down to "wah wah - YOUR comeback works for MY comeback," with Diamond pushing "Back the Comeback" and "Our Comeback will be BIGGER than our setback" slogans over the summer, as if the act of recovery itself was somehow a contest.

The whole thing came off as weirdly childish, and laid down yet another example of a company growing increasingly out of touch with readers.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.