8 Comic Book Characters That Broke Superman

5. Doomsday - The Death Of Superman

Death of Superman
DC Comics

The Death of Superman was a monolithic event in comics. What it lacks in substance it more than makes up for in iconicity and visual flair, and of course, the all too shocking moment where Doomsday and Supes exchange blows and kill one another.

The important delineation to be made here is that Superman is unwavering in his defence of Metropolis. He never falters - not once - and refuses to allow Doomsday to break him mentally. That said, this list is about characters who 'broke' Superman and well, you won't find a more literal example than here.

It would take months for Supes to recover from this clash, but he clearly wore the scars of his encounter by the time he returned. How, you may ask? Well, Clark comes back with a mullet. A choice decision, even by nineties standards.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.