8 Comic Book Characters That Broke Superman

6. Lois Lane - "Truth"

Superman Lois Lane The Truth
DC Comics

Superman's secret identity has always been a source of contention for the more pedantic of comics fans. Whether or not you think it's a logical disguise doesn't really matter here though - what does matter is that Supes has had it revealed twice in the space of a decade now; once willingly, and once... not so willingly.

Back during the New 52, in a storyline called 'Truth', Superman was faced with blackmail by a new enemy, called Hordr, who threatened to reveal his identity if he didn't agree to their demands. Supes persisted as he knew anyone connected to Kent would face immediate peril if his identity was revealed to the public, but Lois Lane disagrees, arguing that it's far more important for him to be free of Hordr's control, which leads her to reveal Clark's identity for him.

Superman - perhaps understandably - isn't too enthused by Lois' gesture, and proceeds to go into hiding and even take up drinking.

Supes eventually bounces back (leading to the eventual return of the pre-New 52 Superman), but for a time, this revelation left him unable to do pretty much anything.

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