8 Comic Book Villains Whose Own Desires Are Their Downfall

4. Doctor Doom

The Joker
Marvel Comics

The initial motivation for the Victor Von Doom character was his love for his mother. D’aww.

After his mother Cynthia – who was a witch – messed around a little too much with the all-powerful Mephisto, the end result was her death at the hands of Marvel's equivalent of Satan. Desperate to bring his mother back, Victor began to learn about the dark arts of magic in the hope of combining that with his genius-level intelligence to formulate a way to bring Cynthia back to life.

Unfortunately for Doctor Doom, it was this that led to his downfall.

Victor created a swanky piece of machinery designed to bring back his mother, yet the technology exploded and disfigured him. This would lead to him fully embracing the villainous life of Doctor Doom and spewing hatred on the world around him.

To think, this descent into becoming one of Marvel Comics’ most nefarious of villains all came about because of Doom’s refusal to accept his own personal loss and his desire to be reunited with his mommy dearest.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.