8 Comic Book Villains Whose Own Desires Are Their Downfall

3. Mr. Freeze

The Joker
DC Comics

Away from the pun-tastic Arnold Schwarzenegger version, Victor Fries is a fascinating character.

In the comic books, readers are familiar with a Mr. Freeze who (usually) carries out all of his heinous crimes for the sole purpose of somehow being able to bring his wife Nora out of frozen animation.

Granted, Victor has had his days when he’s simply been causing havoc for the sake of causing havoc, but for the most part this is one of the most sympathetic rogues that we’ve ever been treated to. After all, who can’t relate to being willing to do absolutely anything just to bring back a loved one?

That loved one is a wife who became terminally ill soon after the pair were married. Desperate to save his wife, the future Mr. Freeze put Nora in a state of frozen animation until he could find a cure for her condition.

After decades, Victor was finally afforded the opportunity to save his wife. Having helped Nyssa al Ghul out of a pickle, Victor was repaid by the offer to place his ‘one true’ in one of the famed Lazarus Pits. While Nora was indeed brought back to life, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Instead, it was more like fire and brimstone.

With the years of chemicals in her body causing her genetic make-up to change, Nora developed fire-manipulating superpowers and became the villain known as Lazara. Worst of all for Victor, his wife had nothing but hatred for him due to everything that he had done to her.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.