8 Comic Villains Humiliated By Hulk

7. Loki

Planet Hulk Red King

In one of the most GIFable moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date, Loki being utterly pummelled by Hulk has to be included here.

That of course happened back in Avengers Assemble back in 2012, with this first formal MCU teaming of Earth's Mightiest Heroes seeing Loki ushering a Chitauri army to Earth as the God of Mischief looks to rule the planet with an iron fist - all while Thanos watches on from the shadows.

After an explosive arrow from Hawkeye sees Loki crash-land atop Stark Tower, it looks as if the rogue is set to square off with Natasha Romanov. That is, until the Hulk bursts onto the scene, smashes Loki through a window and then has to listen to Thor's adoptive brother spout off about how he's had enough of this and how the Avengers are all beneath him.

From there, the Green Goliath serves up a healthy dose of "Hulk Smash!" before brilliantly quipping wise with his "Puny God" line.

This is a moment that ticks so many of the right boxes for what made that first Avengers picture work so well; while there are clearly potentially world-altering stakes at play, the film manages to sprinkle in just the right amount of humour and charm at precisely the right time.

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Senior Writer

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