8 Comic Villains Humiliated By Hulk

6. The Red King

Planet Hulk Red King
Marvel Comics

One way to embarrass someone is to take their most prized possession, particularly if that person is an egotistical evil sort who views power and status as the end-all, be-all of their existence.

That was the case for the Red King, the person who ruled Sakaar when Hulk was exiled there during the Planet Hulk story.

As a ruler, Angmo-Asan II wasn't exactly a man of the people. Instead, he had communities destroyed, was a proponent of slavery, and was so egotistical that he had the majority of his many children killed so that nobody would be able to step up and lay claim to his throne.

Ever one to shake things up, Hulk's arrival on Sakaar would be the Red King's ultimate downfall. Deciding to enslave the Green Goliath, this rogue opted to make Hulk one of the many gladiators whose only purpose was to fight for Red King's amusement.

Not only would the Jade Giant take umbrage with all of this, he'd go so far as to lead an uprising against Red King. After battling and beating this foe, Hulk became the new King of Sakaar, with Red King's bodyguard Caiera as his wife as he is worshipped as an icon of this world by its inhabitants.

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Senior Writer

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