8 Completely Implausible Superhero Origin Stories

4. Hellboy

The Origin: Summoned from a Hell to the Earth in a foiled Nazi plot during World War 2II Hellboy is adopted by Prof. Trevor Bruttenholm, a mild mannered paranormal scientist who goes on to form the United States Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence. In time, Hellboy grows into a defender of humanity as you probably know, and aids Prof. Bruttenholm in his quest against the supernatural. Hellboy is a sort of metaphor for someone who doesn€™t fit in; someone you might think to be one kind of person, but who€™s actually entirely different inside. It€™s kind of warm and fuzzy right, when you think about it? In Reality: Let€™s imagine for a second that Hell might be real, and that Hellboy hailing from there is not completely unfeasible According to the Bible €“ and just about every other religious doctrine you€™d care to red €“ Hell is an unimaginably horrific place. Just take these three descriptions in the Bible€™s Book of Matthew; "the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.€ €œHell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched€, €œThe rich man also dies and was buried. In Hell, where he was in torment €€€I am in agony in this fire€. From his friendly, inquisitive nature when he€™s found as a youth, one would think the little Hellspawn had been raised thus far in a caring Chimpanzee refuge €“ shouldn€™t he have been horrifically abused in Hell, or otherwise have been trained to automatically want to rape everyone to death with his giant rock fist, before draining their blood and setting fire to their corpses, in a sacrificial display for his father or something? I can€™t imagine that being exposed to this type of horrific environment as a child would have allowed for a smooth upbringing for Hellboy. It€™s nature vs. nurture to its upper degrees; I argue he€™d be more likely to grow up into someone who would rather intentionally set a school on fire than protect the innocent from his own kind.
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