8 Incredibly Ridiculous Things About Early Ant-Man Comics

1. He Shoots Himself Out Of A Gun Catapult To Get Places

Ant-Man Misogynist
Marvel Comics

Perhaps the most ridiculous thing about early Ant-Man is how he gets to crime scenes. He built himself a miniature catapult (they call it a catapult but it really looks more like a cannon or a gun) to propel himself through the city as quickly as possible. That sounds cool and wild and hilarious, exactly the kind of thing people love about Silver Age comics, but when you really think about it, it's also incredibly dumb.

Ant-Man's home base set up has this stationary cannon facing out a single exit. God forbid the crime be happening in the opposite direction his catapult is facing. Also this catapult can't possibly be firing him very far, so what is his plan if something happens more than a mile away from his house? God forbid he have to drive a car like so normal pleb.

And his big solution for how to land when he FIRES HIMSELF OUT OF A GUN? He summons a swarm of ants to catch him so he doesn't splatter onto whatever surface awaits him. Everything about this seems so suspect it makes me worry in Hank's Pym Particles are affecting his supposedly genius brain.


Sven Engvall is a writer currently residing in the Bay Area. He enjoys reading comics, watching baseball, and writing nonsense on the Internet for fun.