8 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Bullseye

4. His Many, Many Creative Weapons

Bullseye Marvel
Marvel Comics

If you have seen the Daredevil film, you know that Bullseye can kill someone with a seemingly innocuous object like a paperclip, a peanut, or a playing card.

In Kevin Smith’s comic series, Daredevil/Bullseye: The Target (which was never completed,) Bullseye is hired by a group of terrorists for a job. When they ask to see him in action, he flicks a toothpick at a young mother through a window, killing her. Although the terrorists are astounded by his skill, he says, “Could’ve done it with less.”

Another time, he killed dozens of inmates in a prison armed with nothing more than a pack of playing cards. When the guards realized how dangerous Bullseye was, he was put in a straitjacket and fed through a straw. They liquified his food just in case he tried to turn a pea or a potato into a projectile weapon.

Despite these precautions, the prison still managed to underestimate him. When a guard got too close to Bullseye, he broke his own tooth out of his mouth and then spat it at a person’s head, fatally penetrating his skull.

So the big question is – What is the most ridiculous object that Bullseye has turned into a projectile weapon? Well, he has killed people with an apple, a CD, a coffeepot, a hairbrush, a straw, and a paper airplane. However, my personal favorite is when he hurled a poodle at Venom and the poor dog got stuck in his eye.


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