8 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Bullseye

3. His Father Was A Supervillain Too

Bullseye Marvel

Remember when I said Bullseye incinerated a prison to kill his father inside? Yeah, he was pretty mad about that.

After the fire, Bullseye’s father, who calls himself Kingmaker, was left horrifically scarred. His lungs were damaged so much that he relied on an oxygen tank to breathe. Furious with being left an invalid, Kingmaker vowed vengeance on his son. Kingmaker captured Bullseye with the assistance of the mercenary, Solo and prepared to transfer his brain into his son’s body, giving himself a chance for a second life.

There was just one snag. You see, Daredevil broke Bullseye’s spine many moons ago, crippling him. The crime lord, Dark Wind told Bullseye that he would fix his spine if the assassin worked for him. With no other choice, he agreed. Dark Wind then laced Bullseye’s skeleton with the indestructible metal, adamantium, allowing him to walk again.

The key word there is – indestructible. Kingmaker couldn’t insert his brain into Bullseye because… his skull cannot be penetrated. Upon this revelation, Kingmaker was left distracted, allowing Bullseye to kill his father.


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