8 Superheroes Who Revealed Their Identities (And Paid The Ultimate Price)

1. Batman - Justice League: The Darkseid War

Spider-Man Secret Identity
DC Comics

While it would seem simply impossible that Batman would ever be willing reveal his secret identity to anyone who isn't either part of his large extended adopted family or a love interest, the Darkseid War series sees this exact scenario happen - with none other than Joe Chill, the man who killed Bruce's parents.

After Batman gains the power of the Mobius Chair - which allows him to basically have omniscience - he decides to pay a visit to his old pal Joe Chill, and remind the crook how he ruined the life of Bruce Wayne and many others like him. When Chill shows pride in this, Batman changes tactic, revealing his true identity to the man in order to instil fear in him.

This plan is successful, and Batman does think to wipe Chill's memory afterwards, so initially it seems like Bruce has gotten that spot of catharsis he always needed. Until he gets back to the Batcave, however, and we see that the Mobius Chair has resented being part of this whole ordeal, and has trapped Batman in it, harming him every time he goes against the chair's demands.

In short, while it's fun to watch the Dark Knight get a little revenge on the man who destroyed his life, it's also maybe not worth it, when all is said and done.

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Batman Iron Man
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1. “Part Of The Journey Is The End. When I Drift Off, I Will Dream About You. It’s Always You.”


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