8 Things You May Have Missed About DC's Watchmen

6. There Have Been Countless Attempts To Adapt The Comic

Watchmen Movie
Warner Bros.

Though it might seem unlikely, given just how critically lauded the comic book actually is, Watchmen had a hard time making its way to the big screen. In fact, several attempts were made to adapt the comic before Zack Snyder succeeded in 2009, with Darren Aronofsky having even been involved in a plan to bring it to cinemas (he later departed another comic project, The Wolverine, in 2011).

Starting in 1986, Fox enlisted screenwriter Sam Hamm to write a screenplay and, although it departed from the book's ending in a significant way, the project began to gather steam. Terry Gilliam was attached to direct, and, after significant rewrites, even wanted Arnold (yes, that Arnold) for the part of Doctor Manhattan. And yes, before you ask, we are all equally gutted that this never saw the light of day as well.

Subsequent attempts to make the film were made in the early 2000s, with the aforementioned Aronofsky project stalling around 2005 with a script provided by David Hayter. Paul Greengrass (of The Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum fame) was also contracted to direct, but dropped out over budgetary concerns, leaving us with Snyder's film in 2009, which offered a beat for beat adaptation of the source material.

As for future projects, Warner Bros. Animation are currently working on an animated film, and just recently HBO have announced a Watchmen TV series. Neither, obviously, have received Moore's blessing.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.