9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

1. Lucy (Gods Among Us: Year 2)

There€™s a couple of things that come to mind when you see a guy like the Joker. There€™s €˜run€™, €˜oh, crap€™, €˜Hail Mary, full of grace€€™ Notice how €˜gee, that guy would be a great dad€™ doesn€™t come to mind? There€™s a reason for that. Look, we€™re are adults here (if, however, you€™re not an adult then you should read every single article I write because your parents want you to). There€™s no doubt that Harley and Joker dance the sideways shuffle, dirtying the linen with all their€ makeup. In Gods Among Us: Year 2, Harley, who is about to fight Black Canary, calls a time out because Canary begins throwing up in a bucket. Harley comes to the conclusion that Canary is pregnant and begins to crack wise about how funny it would be to see a woman in her third trimester trying to squeeze into Canary€™s outfit. Canary, unimpressed, wants to go back to fighting, but Harley tells her she€™s not going to hit a pregnant woman because she remembers how hard it is. It turns out that in the Injustice universe, Harley has a little girl named Lucy and, yes, Joker is the father. Lucy lives with Harley€™s sister, is four and likes tutus and toy cars. In fact, she especially likes putting tutus on toy cars because she likes the idea of a ballerina car, a concept that Harley thinks make perfect sense. € Now I really need to hug my daughter. Joker doesn€™t know anything about Lucy because his work is too important (say what you will about the man, but his work ethic is incredible). Harley disappeared for a year and when she came back, Joker barely acted as if she was gone. I, for one, think that they could have chosen a better name. Lol-lah. Which WTF Harley Quinn moment do you think deserves the top spot? Sound off in the comments below.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.