9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

9. Making Batman Laugh (Mad Love)

There are a few things that Batman just doesn€™t do. Murder, smile, dance, laundry, keep children out of harm€™s way and laugh. Mad Love is widely regarded as one of the best Batman tales of all time, a sentiment expressed by Frank Miller, the comic book icon equivalent of that senile grandpa you have who thinks it€™s still the fifties and keeps telling your girlfriend to make him a sandwich. Written by Paul Dini and illustrated by Bruce Timm, Mad Love details the tragic origins of Harley Quinn and the time that she got closer to killing Batman than Joker ever has. It also includes Quinn, in lingerie, suggestively asking her puddin€™ if he wants to €˜rev up his Harley€™. Which is great advice, because you shouldn€™t leave vehicles stationary for too long as the engine will suffer. Harley has captured Batman and placed him in an elaborate trap in which he is suspended upside down atop a tank filled with piranhas (from Batman€™s perspective, it appears as if they are smiling). Batman, without his utility belt and feeling weak due to the blood making a bee-line to his brain, only manages to escape by getting Harley to call Joker so that, if she were to succeed, Joker would believe it. Joker, furious that Harley has gone ahead and accomplished something that he never did, ends up setting Batman free.
Although Harley besting Batman is a WTF worthy moment itself, it€™s Harley making Batman laughs that truly takes the cake, eats it and then leaves you with the dishes. Harley, telling Batman that when he€™s gone, she can finally settle down with Joker, is creeped out upon hearing his reaction. Batman, aware that Joker does not love Harley, cannot help but belt out a laugh so unexpectedly chilling that it made Mr. Freeze shiver. It sounds like the audio at the start of every ghost train ever.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.