9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

8. Beating Lobo With Psychiatry (Gods Among Us Annual #1)

Lobo and Superman are very similar. Both are practically immortal and invulnerable, have super strength, can heal at extreme rates and have super speed and more stamina than the Enigizer Bunny on ice. They are each even the sole survivors of a doomed planet, with Superman being the Last Son of Krypton and Lobo being the Last Czarnian. But the main difference between the two is that Lobo is the reason why he€™s the Last Czarnian. By age sixteen, he killed half the population of Czarnia. By 17, he engineered a plague that murdered 5 billion Czarnians, who withered in agony while Lobo rocked out to death metal. He then becomes a bounty hunter because, with the dreadlocks, cigar and space-hog, he obviously wasn€™t metal enough. In what is surely the most phenomenal comic book tie in to a game in which you can have Aquaman feed his enemies to a giant Great White, Injustice has an issue in which the overpowered Lobo has been tasked with capturing the very human Harley Quinn. The reason why this book is critically adored is due to the writer, Tom Taylor, who is from Perth and Australian€™s are very talented, you see. The WTF moment of this issue isn€™t Harley, hopped up on super-strength granting goofballs, ripping off Lobo€™s head and shouting €˜Best. Team-up. Ever!!€™, although that is amazingly cool. No, the true WTF moment is Harley besting Lobo by enlightening him. Lobo, who can heal from having his head ripped off, awakes to find himself bolted and chained beside Quinn in a labcoat. No, this isn€™t fan-fiction, stop it. Harley uses her psychiatric skills to assess Lobo and force him to discuss his feelings. She comes to the conclusion that Lobo, who was bested by Superman earlier, has become emasculated. When Lobo argues this, she retorts by asking him why the best bounty hunter in the galaxy is wasting his time chasing her. Proving that psychiatrists are kryptonite for anti-heroes (ask Tony Soprano), Lobo realizes that she€™s right and leaves on good terms. The best part? Lobo could get out the entire time.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.