9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

6. Slitting Joker€™s Throat (Injustice: Gods Among Us video game)

Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fun game with a horrible title which should have been Injustice: You Can Totally Punch People Into Space. As is the norm with many fighting games, each character has their own specific ending and it€™s within Harley Quinn€™s ending that we get a WTF worthy moment. If you€™ve been in an abusive relationship for years, abused physically, emotionally and mentally, left for dead numerous times, belittled, bullied and broken but still holding on because you just cannot shake those indescribable feelings of love for your tormentor, what do you think would finally push you over the edge? It€™s cake. You said cake, didn€™t you? In the Injustice character ending for Harley, she has a newfound confidence instilled in her after defeating Superman and breaks out the Joker so that they can get married in €˜a ceremony that set Gotham ablaze€™. That€™s probably supposed to be taken literally. At the reception, Joker mashes her face into the cake and in return, Harley slits his throat. Because if there€™s one thing that€™ll tip you over into the deep end, it€™s baked goods smothered in icing. Harley Quinn went to all the trouble of planning this elaborate ceremony which would have cost time and money, just to have it end up a sham, which exactly like Kim Kardashian€™s first wedding. At least Kim did it for the almighty dollar.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.