9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

7. Stripping And Skinning (Joker)

You€™re going to find a lot of Joker-related WTF moments in this Harley Quinn article, as the two characters spend a lot of time together and Joker is more of an enabler than that mate who demands you skull that pint because vomiting on yourself means you just aren€™t drunk enough. In 2008, the world had recently only witnessed Heath Ledge€™s iconic performance in The Dark Knight and were amazed, because Australian€™s are very talented, you see. Esteemed crime comic writer Brian Azzarello was inspired by the performance and wrote a graphic novel called Joker, depicting a more realistic, Chelsea-smile sporting Joker who was even more frightening than Ledger€™s. This Joker was as twisted as a Pretzel doing yoga, which is saying something. However, being a grounded, gritty crime story, he had an air of vulnerability, highlighted in a scene in which he€™s on his knees, arms wrapped around the hips of Harley and weeping like a child, while Quinn strokes the top of his head. In this story, Harley is truly the backbone of Joker. But, heart-warming as a weeping mass-murderer may be, the real WTF moment happens to take place in a strip club, where a party is being held by the newly released Joker. See, kids, a blonde woman is on stage and has an apparent allergy to clothing and the men give her money so that she can pay for her medication. Then they all freeze when the woman puts on a red and black mask, realizing that they just made it rain on Harley Quinn. Harley beckons Monty, the man in charge while Joker was away who forgot to put some money aside for his incarcerated boss, to go to for a private dance. Joker takes Monty to the champagne room and, a few minutes later, Monty stumbles onto the stage, skinned from the neck down. A proud Harley and Joker then join him and Joker slaps a dollar on Monty€™s now toned butt cheek. I don€™t know which moment is more WTF worthy, the fact that a guy got skinned alive or that all the male readers just wished that they were at that strip club.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.