9 Most Messed Up Things Spider-Man Has Ever Done

6. Sleeping With A Married Betty Brant? - Mayhem By Moonlight

Marvel Zombie Spider-Man MJ
Marvel Comics

While the one-and-done Mayhem by Moonlight story of The Amazing Spider-Man #189 was when this act occurred, this was the, err, climax of a story that had begun several weeks before in The Amazing Spider-Man #183 - and was a situation that nobody came out of looking good.

The situation at play was one that saw Peter Parker supposedly sleep with the recently-married Betty Brant. But not just that, for this came shortly after Peter had had his own marriage proposal shot down by Mary Jane.

To give a quick rundown of happenings:

- Betty Brant and Ned Leeds get married in Paris.

- Peter decides to propose to his girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson.

- MJ declines this offer, citing being "too free a spirit" and that "there's a world of groovy guys out there, and this doll's gotta be free to find 'em".

- Peter finds Betty in his apartment after she skipped out on her honeymoon.

- Betty declares that Ned is too busy for her, and that she instead wants to be with Peter.

- After a few issues of wrestling with the situation, Peter and Betty kiss before spending a couple of hours getting up to... what was left to readers' imaginations.

- Peter and Betty later bump into MJ, who in turn has the hump that Peter has moved on - despite Mary Jane herself now being with a new guy.

- A pissed off Ned turns up to confront Peter about stealing his wife.

- Peter acts like a massive d*ck to Betty in order to force her back to her husband.

Annnnnnnnnd breathe.

Every single person, bar Ned Leeds, came out of this looking bad, and Peter in particular looked like an ass for how he strung a married woman along despite him still only caring about Mary Jane.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.