9 Most Messed Up Things Spider-Man Has Ever Done

5. Nearly Killed Rhino - The Alien Costume

FOX's Spider-Man: The Animated Series - usually referred to simply as Spider-Man - still holds up to this day as one of the truly great animated superhero shows. Alongside FOX's X-Men and Warner Bros.' Batman: The Animated Series, the '90s was a great time to be a fan of cartoon superhero shenanigans.

While this Spider-Man show touched upon so many characters and moments seen within the pages of Marvel Comics, one particularly memorable run of episodes was the three-part The Alien Costume arc which introduced the alien symbiote, had Spidey veer towards the dark side, and then ultimately had the symbiote bond with Eddie Brock to form Venom.

In amongst this tale was arguably the most messed up moment seen through the show's five-season lifespan, with a symbiote-influenced Peter Parker coming extremely close to crossing the line and killing Rhino.

After ol' Web-head looks to put a stop to Rhino's quest to find Prometheum X, audiences were shocked to see the more aggressive edge displayed by Spider-Man. After declaring that he's given up on being a "friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man," the Wall-crawler has Rhino cowering and pleading to be put in jail.

With some pitch-perfect music setting the scene for the unthinkable to happen, Spidey lifts a hefty metal door over his head, awaiting to slam said door down on his defenceless foe.

Thankfully, a timely flashback to recent interactions with Aunt May and Felicia Hardy snap Spider-Man out of his funk, with this being the moment that Peter realises that his swanky new black suit may not be all its cracked up to be.

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Senior Writer

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