9 Worst Things Doctor Doom Has Done

3. He Turned The Four Against Each Other... With Juice?

Doctor Doom the final victory
Marvel Comics

Doctor Doom, despite the name, hasn't been all that forthcoming with his intentions in the past. In the final story to the aforementioned annual that disclosed his run in with the monks, Doom actually tricked the Fantastic Four into attending a peacemaking dinner. There, he offered all of them some drugged drinks, but little did the Four know that the the drinks would trick them into thinking they're being attacked by the other.

The resulting comic illustrated the after-effects of the potion well, as Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben fight with each other - much to the delight of Doom himself. He almost succeeds too, but with Reed being the preeminent brain of the Marvel Universe he is eventually outwitted, tricked into drinking the juice himself, and then forced to leave the group alone, content in his delusion that he'd outwitted his most hated nemesis.

This was Doom's first return to action since he was rescued by Rama-tut, and while his false attempts at peacemaking were soon uncovered, Doom's plan to turn the Four against each other almost came off.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.