9 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Gwen Stacy

5. Feeling Betrayed

Gwen Stacy Sad
Marvel Comics

The simple mention of the word "clone" usually has Spider-Man fans frantically closing their latest issue of the Wall-crawler's adventures, as a cold sweat takes over their brow at memories of so many goddamn clone sagas.

To its credit, however, 2016's The Clone Conspiracy was actually, dare I say it, good!

It felt like decades - largely because it was! - that any Spidey story to do with a clone was actually half-decent. But much like The Clone Conspiracy yet again reverted to the clone trope so synonymous with Spider-Man comics, The Clone Conspiracy also revisited the trope of bringing Gwen Stacy back in some form or fashion.

Here, it's not so much a clone of Gwen, but more resurrected Gwen - again as part of a creepy plan from uber-creep Miles Warren.

This Gwen Stacy may have ended up turning to a pile of dust by the time all was said and done with The Clone Conspiracy, but in her time back in the living she got to unload some hard home truths on Peter Parker.

What this revived Gwen revealed, is that her dying moments - as in, thrown off a bridge by Green Goblin, neck being snapped by webbing - saw her feeling betrayed by her 'one true.'

That was because Gwen's last breaths were spent feeling heartbroken at the realisation that Peter was Spider-Man and that he'd chosen against trusting her with this secret.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

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