9 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Gwen Stacy

6. Being Obsessed Over By The Jackal

Gwen Stacy Sad
Marvel Comics

Back before the facepalm-inducing Clone Saga of the nineties, there was the original Clone Saga of 1975.

While this six-issue story is best remembered for introducing the Spider-Man clone who would go on to later become Ben Reilly, aka the Scarlet Spider, that first Clone Saga also gave readers the first Gwen Stacy clone.

At this point, Gwen had been dead for two years, and so it was a genuine shocker to see her seemingly alive and well. Of course, that was before the revelation that this was merely a clone of Gwen - a clone developed by Miles Warren.

Known as the villainous Jackal, this tale revealed how Professor Warren had a creepy infatuation with Gwen Stacy. Having taught Gwen at Empire State University, Warren was so obsessed with Stacy that her death sent him into a spiral of insanity. So crazed was The Jackal, he used his smarts to create a clone of her.

To know that a trusted authority figure had spent years stalking Gwen and obsessing over her... that's the sort of thing that sends shivers down your spine - made even worse by Miles Warren getting to ogle a naked doppelganger of Gwen when she emerges for the first time.

Unfortunately, The Jackal would return at several points over the years in various guises - and those returns have often been accompanied by further Gwen clones.

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Senior Writer

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