Avengers: Endgame - 10 Best Times Marvel Heroes Came Back To Life

7. Thanos - Avatar Of Death

Steve Rogers Captain America Return
Marvel Comics

Thanos has died a couple of times in the comics - at the hands of Drax the Destroyer, at the hands of God Doom when all of reality was destroyed, at the hands of his younger self, and from falling out of the Thanoscopter probably? But he almost always comes back.

But the weirdest, wackiest time was when the Cancerverse came knocking. See, after one of the ninety comic crossovers of the 2000s, a hole was blown in space. A portal leading to the Cancerverse. A world that, at first, seems perfect but then, it turns out, is undying - forever, forever living, to the point of degrading and expanding into a living cancer seeking to devour all other life, and let everything stay, melded with it, forever.

So Death - because that's like a full-on character in Marvel - needs a champion to fight against life. And so she brings back Thanos, to become her chosen Avatar of Death.

Which, listen, we know he just went like ten days ago but Marvel, hey Marvel? If you want to bring Thanos back, there's not really more of a rock and rolling way to do it.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.