Avengers: Endgame - 10 Best Times Marvel Heroes Came Back To Life

6. Spider-Man's Superior Return

Steve Rogers Captain America Return
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man has the worst luck. His aunt keeps dying, his uncle died because he drank some chocolate milk, and his semen kills his wife. All of those are actual, real-life comic books.

Once Spider-Man woke up in the body of a decaying old man, with barely any eyesight, locked to a bed and, well, listen, if you're Peter Parker, you count your blessings. At least he could talk. He attempted to tell them who he was, but they misinterpreted it and reached out to... Peter Parker.

Yeah, Spidey got his bodies switched by the cancer-ridden, near corpsified bod of none other than Doc Ock. And not even the cool Into the Spider-Verse one either.

Eventually, Spidey merged back with Doc Ock, just long enough to share his memories... before dying.

But... okay. Now, either the memories created a copy of his soul; his soul never actually left his body; his mind-meld copied his brain back over; or... something. Because eventually Peter Parker came back as a floating ghost that would yell at Doc Ock when he was acting too much of a dick. Eventually, Doc Ock realized he sucked at the superhero thing and sacrificed himself, letting Peter Parker slip back in.

Honestly, that makes Endgame look reasonable.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.