Blue Lantern Corps: 9 Non-DC Characters Who Could Wield The Blue Ring Of Hope

4. He-Man (Masters Of The Universe)

heman He-Man is the protector of Grayskull and defender of the realm of Eternia. On that basis, he could be considered as a figure of hope in Eternia's constant battle against various evil-doers such as Skeletor and his band of villains and Hordak and his evil Horde. He-Man, the alter-ego of Eternian Prince Adam, is moral and pure and epitomises everything good in people. He's a hero in the true sense of the word and would make an exemplary Blue Lantern. The power of a blue ring of hope added to the immense power of his sword and his physical might would make him a very, very potent warrior and would make his task of defending his world from evil forces.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.