Captain Marvel: 10 Comics Fans Must Read After Seeing The Film
7. Ms. Marvel Vs. The Cru
Carol Danvers got a huge reboot thanks to writer Brian Reed in 2006 with a new solo title. In her very first adventure, she comes face to face with a group of Brood who are fleeing across space from the Cru. Danvers has something of a troubled past with the Brood, but she recognizes the greater threat of the Cru as the Earth itself comes under threat.
In many ways, the Captain Marvel movie followed a similar structure. Danvers was forced to help the people she once believed to be her enemies. In the film, it was the Skrulls while in this book, it's the Brood.
That race once experimented on her, which isn't something she was willing to forgive. That being said, Danvers isn't one to let a bully come along and beat on a bunch of fleeing refugees, so she altered her way of thinking and set out to take care of an even greater threat to the universe.
Ms. Marvel Vs. The Cru shows how Danvers is able to take in new information and change her entire way of thinking in regards to an enemy. It's a core function of her morality and a great read for fans of the character.