Captain Marvel's 8 Biggest Feats Of Strength

6. Going Toe To Toe With Thanos - Infinity & Civil War II

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Marvel Comics

There have been two occasions where Captain Marvel has taken on Thanos in recent years: once in the aforementioned Infinity, where she is joined by Hulk, Captain America and several others to finish him off for good; and second in Civil War II, where she defeats Thanos but at great cost - War Machine's life.

The first instance comes at the tail-end of Infinity, where the Avengers mount was last attempt to stop the Mad Titan from completing his plan. Carol is one of the last to stand against Thanos' might, before he is double-crossed by his own minion, Ebony Maw. Thane, Thanos' son, then ensnares his father in a state of perpetual death, leaving the rest of the Avengers to imprison him in a secret facility.

The context surrounding the pair's coming together in Civil War II is a little less even, with Carol taking Thanos by surprise after utilising the precognitive abilities of Ulysses to discover that the Titan was planning a new scheme. The battle doesn't go according to plan, costing War Machine's life and leaving She-Hulk mortally wounded, but Danvers provides a good account of herself, smacking Thanos all over the place and illustrating her power once more.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.