Darth Vader's 10 Most Impressive Kills In Marvel Comics

1. Darth Vader Has Killed Countless Rebels In Marvel's Star Wars Comics

Darth Vader Best Kills
Marvel Comics

Star Wars has been blessed with some great one-liners over the years, but Vader's response to being told he's surrounded may just be the best of them all.

"All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men". This was the moment that Darth Vader - the Dark Lord of the Sith and greatest sci-fi villain ever created - regained all of his old aura, and then some. Surrounded by squads of Rebels demanding his surrender, Vader gave the perfect reply.

The ensuing massacre showcased Vader at his absolute best/worst (depending on your point of view). Even though Vader is unquestionably the bad guy, you'll still find it hard not to cheer as scores of unfortunate Rebels fall to his blade.

After all, watching Vader prove himself as the most dangerous man in the galaxy is a huge part of his appeal - just look at how popular Rogue One's infamous Walk of Death is.

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