Darth Vader's 10 Most Impressive Kills In Marvel Comics

2. Darth Vader's Greatest Marvel Kills - The Many Deaths Of Doctor Cylo

Darth Vader Best Kills
Marvel Comics

The Star Wars galaxy has a somewhat troubled relationship with clones, and Doctor Cylo was a prime example of why that is.

A power-hungry scientist who believed only he had the intellect to run the Empire, Cylo was a huge proponent of combining technology and biology to create new frontiers in science. To give him his due, he had a fair degree of success - he was able to create multiple back-up clones of himself à la Rick & Morty, and he was able to create a fleet of sentient star-ships by combining his technology with a race of space-faring whales. (Because no mad scientist is truly worthy of the title until they've forced an innocent species into servitude).

Unfortunately for the not-so-good Doctor, Vader had plans to deal with both those scientific breakthroughs.

The clone problem was easily solved - Vader just slaughtered them all until there was only one left, leading to the quote you see in the panel above. As for the whale-ships, Cylo's last clone learned why it was a terrible idea to route a starship's systems through an organic brain when Vader used the Force to brainwash the whale-ship into flying itself - and Cylo - straight into the nearest sun.

You know, between the whale-ship, The Ender and the Summa-verminoth, we're starting to wonder if the Star Wars equivalent of the WWF ever had a word with Vader about his treatment of endangered animals...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.