EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

5. Huntress - Huntress: Year One #5

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

In a true welcoming to the Batfamily, Huntress and Batman's first encounter leads to the pair exchanging blows, with it initially appearing as though Huntress would win due to the intervention of Catwoman. Ever capable of getting out of seemingly unwinnable situations, Batman uses Catwoman as a human weapon, swinging her and her whip into Huntress, beating both of them.

While it's not the most friendly first encounter, it is an important one, as it'd seem wildly out of character for Batman to immediately accept a rogue vigilante on his turf - and even more out of character for Huntress to trust a man she thought was a folk tale.

Huntress has technically also beat Batman once - in the delightfully edgy Cry for Blood series - but this is a subject that's still questioned, as she technically shot him on accident.

With it being heavily suggested that the pair are the most evenly matched of Gotham's vigilantes, it's worth hoping that they fight once again, just so fans can finally figure out who would come out on top.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.