Fight Club 2: 10 Things You Need To Know

9. It's A Comic Book

In fact the whole story looks to be vastly different to however you consumed the original Fight Club: book, film, musical, it doesn't matter. Fight Club 2 is going to be a comic book, which is a completely different form of storytelling. Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters and Lullaby have both been adapted to graphic novels before, but were published solely online. It was also mostly the work of artist Kissgz, aka Gabor, with Palahniuk providing the raw text to adapt. Fight Club 2, meanwhile, is being explicitly written as a comic, and it means it can take advantage of all sorts of things sequential art can do that other forms can't: for one thing, it'll be easier to do flashbacks and the like with drawings, rather than relying on make up to make actors look younger. There's also no budgetary restraints on a comic. Remember the impressive explosions at the end of the movie? That's nothing compared to what can be done with pen and ink. If Project Mayhem are still in operation, they could manage some practically apocalyptic stunts. Seeing the story serialised, rather than in one straight narrative, could be interesting too €“ the story very may well skip around in time, too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at