10 Jaw-Dropping Comics Cancelled Before They Were Published

3. All-Star Wonder Woman

Not long after the debuts of the excellent All-Star Superman and the one-of-a-kind All-Star Batman, DC naturally announced an All-Star Wonder Woman project, retelling Wonder Woman's origin story and featuring Adam Hughes as writer and artist. Hughes is best known as a cover artist and for his skill in rendering arresting, beautiful women with personality. Hughes has vowed several times to finish the six-issue miniseries, but so far no one has even seen the first issue, and in the meantime the entire "All-Star" brand has been retired. How Regrettable Is Its Loss? Welllllll... like JLA/Avengers, it would probably look great, but Hughes' writing career has been fairly short and undistinguished: a couple of Gen13 miniseries, a single Superman/Batman story, and that's about it. Retelling Wonder Woman's origin also isn't a particularly compelling hook, since comics tend to do that about once every two years. It can certainly be done in a way that seems fresh and new, but no one who has described the project has hinted at a new angle other than "written and drawn by Adam Hughes." This project is the second-most-likely to still happen someday (after Morning Dragons) and could surprise us, but right now we're not feeling its absence.

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.