How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Avengers

1. Scarlet Witch

batman captain shield
Marvel Comics / Adi Granov

The obvious first issue to address if confronted with Scarlet Witch, is the ludicrously powerful magical abilities at Wanda Maximoff's fingertips.

Much like key to Batman defeating the Hulk is to take away the actual Hulk element, the pivotal part of being able to stop Wanda is to neutralise the powers that make her such an imposing figure.

For Scarlet Witch, she's a character who is often as erratic and insane as she is powerful - and considering this is someone who's one of the most powerful beings in all of comics, that should give you a good indicator of how unhinged Wanda can be.

If Batman is to have any chance of beating Maximoff, he has to play a little dirty. That means playing on Wanda's insecurities, pushing her to the edge of insanity, forcing her to become her own worst enemy. Should the Dark Knight get Wanda to become frazzled, that's when she may let her magical guard down, in turn making her an easy target for Batman to physically stop.

The problem is, Wanda's powers are so extreme that she could erase the Caped Crusader out of existence just by wishing it so. On the chance that he caught her on one of her more forgiving days, Batman could even come to Scarlet Witch in peace, much like he did to Ace in the Justice League Unlimited series. There, Batman made himself completely vulnerable as he approached the all-powerful Ace - with her realising that he had a pure soul and good intentions, which in turn allowed Bats to reach out to her and connect with Ace on a personal level.

While this article is all about how Batman would beat the Avengers, the reality of a fight with the Scarlet Witch is that Bats could well find himself faced with a task potentially too impossible even for him.

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