How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League
The bigger they are, the more likely Batman is to have a plan to beat them.

When you think of a hero most likely to have countless shady plans to defeat every other hero around, it's likely that the first (and possibly only) face that pops into mind: Batman.
Few heroes have been shown on the printed page beating up (or otherwise planning to beat up) their allies and friends as the Dark Knight, and we've seen many times over the course of history that our boy Bruce has a plan to kill, maim, or generally defeat every single person he's ever encountered in his life.
And that doesn't exclude allies, either - in fact, the closer you are to the Caped Wonder, the more likely it is that somewhere in the Batcave there's a pendrive showing all the ways in which you are most easily beat up.
While this often gets him knocked off people's birthday invitation list, it's undeniably a fascinating aspect of the hero - half because it's interesting to see all his various clever schemes, and half because it highlights just how close to being a villain Batman is willing to go to make sure he can always save the day.
10. Cyborg

While Cyborg is often on the outskirts of the Justice League, it's worth mentioning him here at the offset for one particular Dark Knight plan involving him that highlights just how far Bats is willing to go to make sure he can defeat those with powers that could obliterate his mortal human form.
In Injustice, we see that Bruce has implanted Cyborg with a virus, that turns out to come plenty in handy when Batman comes to stop him and the other members of the League taking Gotham's supervillains to Superman's new max security facility.
However, this virus becomes a much more worrying thing when Victor checks the date it was installed in him, and realises that Batman had placed the dormant threat inside him literally the first week they met - which means there is a very real possibility that our universe's Bat has either done this also, or has similar plans to take his shiny metal pal down should the need arise.