How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League

7. Martian Manhunter

batman defeats justice league
DC Comics

Although Martian Manhunter is usually resigned to the sidelines for a weird amount of Justice League storylines, he's really the dark horse of the group. Not only is he capable of shapeshifting into dangerous forms, but his abilities are borderline boundless; he can turn invisible, regenerates at impeccable speeds, can use telepathy and telekinesis, and is resistant to most earthly poisons and diseases. In short, he's a bit of a secret powerhouse.

But not to Batman, of course, who had a fair brutal plan for his green friend should he turn from heroism. Naturally, Martian Manhunter inherited his kind's weakness for fire, and thus Batman's plan involved nanites that would cause the poor alien's skin to permanently set on fire - not killing him, but obviously distracting him from anything but the agonising pain of being on fire.

This is only slightly less evil than the plan the Batman Who Laughs uses on his version of the hero, as we see him half exploded up a wall, suggesting that Bats either used a substance that dissolved the martian's structure into more of a liquid, or sabotaged his shapeshifting abilities somehow to the point it straight up killed the poor guy. Maybe being permanently on fire isn't so bad.


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